Theory: (to be done for Wednesday 18.01.17)
- practice sketching for 2010 - 2016: Q.3. (a)
- complete the work done in class
- compare your sketches to those in the solutions on this website (see solutions link above)
- fifth years - redo the four questions from the Christmas test
Project: (to be done for Wednesday 01.02.17)
- finish your project report
- I have updated your report google doc...
- at the beginning of your doc have pasted in a final structure for the report including a new table of contents
- all of your work done to date is at the end of the doc - scroll down to find it
- cut and paste the work you have already done up under the new headings
Theory: (to be done for Wednesday 23.11.16)
- answer Q.10. 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013
- do not copy the answers in the solutions on this website for the older years (i.e. 2008-2012) they are out of date
- use the sketches I pointed out in the book
- you should now have a model solution written in your A4 hardback copy for:
- Q.3's 2011 to 2016 and,
- Q.10's 2006 to 2016.
- we are now finished both Q.3. and Q.10 - two of our five target questions.
- you should be absolutely confident in your ability to do these questions now; if you are not, you need to talk to me about it.
- I will be checking everyone's homework this week! I mean it this time!!!
Project: (to be done for Thursday 24.11.16/ Friday 25.11.16)
- update your project report - check google doc for new headings
Theory: (to be done for Wednesday 16.11.16)
- answer Q.10. 2014 & Q.10 2015
- you should now have a model solution written in your A4 hardback copy for:
- Q.3's 2011 to 2016 and,
- Q.10's 2006 to 2009 & 2014 to 2015.
- I will be checking everyone's homework this week!
Project: (to be done for Thursday 17.11.16/ Friday 18.11.16)
- all final drawings on white paper to be complete (floor plans x2, north, east, south & west elevations)
- everyone should be drawing on foam board or cutting out foam board this week (i.e. 17th & 18th)
- update your project report - check google doc for new headings
Mid-term test Wed 26.10.16
- two Q.3.'s from 2011 to 2016
- 35 minutes per question
Theory: (to be done for Wednesday 19.10.16)
- answer Q.3. 2015& Q.3. 2016
- you should now have a model solution to all Q.3's 2011 to 2016
- I will be spot checking 5 people's homework this week!
Project: (to be done for Thursday 20.10.16/ Friday 21.10.16)
- finalise the design of your north, east, south & west elevations
- email the final floor plan drawings to me:, if you haven't already done so
- consider using to model your house.
Theory: (to be done for Wednesday 12.10.16)
- answer 2014 Q.3.
- review / recheck your answers to
- 2011 Q.3.
- 2012 Q.3. and
- 2013 Q.3.
- will be spot checking 5 people's homework this week!
Project: (to be done for Thursday 13.10.16/ Friday 14.10.16)
- finalise the design of both your ground floor plan and your first floor plan
- remember to:
- place main living spaces to the south side of the floor plans
- stack 'wet rooms' above/ below each other
- avoid placing noisy rooms beside quiet rooms
- follow the sun - bedrooms get early morning light from the east
- include space for the stairs (upstairs and down)
- consider including a 'double height space'
- avoid a plethora of bathrooms!
- email the drawings to me:, if you haven't already done so
- consider using to model your house.
Theory: (to be done for Wednesday 05.10.16)
- write three complete answers to
- 2011 Q.3.
- 2012 Q.3. and
- 2013 Q.3.
- we didn't do 2012 in class but it's the exact same approach as 2011 and 2013 - just apply what what you have learned.
- make sure you structure your answers properly:
- part a)
- sketch exterior
- note exterior (describe WHAT you have changed)
- sketch interior
- note interior (describe WHAT you have changed)
- part b)
- reasons WHY you changed exterior x3
- reasons WHY you changed interior x3
- I will be spot checking 5 people's homework this week!
Project: (to be done for Thursday 06.10.16/ Friday 07.10.16)
- complete your ground floor plan and email the drawing to me:, if you haven't already done so
- complete the first draft of your upstairs floor plan.
Theory: (to be done for Wednesday 28.09.16)
- read chapter 5 on rural design
- complete worksheet for chapter 5
- I will be spot checking 5 people's homework this week!
Project: (to be done for Thursday 29.09.16/ Friday 30.09.16)
- watch the video 'how to think like an architect'
- check that you have all sections FULLY up to date (see last week's homework below)
- it is really important to have photos of three houses that inspire you
- review the three ground floor plans that you have devised
- reflect on the 3 houses that inspire
- be clear on the 'parti' of your project
Theory: (to be done for Wednesday 21.09.16)
- read chapters 6, 20 & 21
- complete worksheet for chapters 6, 20 & 21
Project: (to be done for Thursday 22.09.16/ Friday23.09.16)
- contact Trevor to get your link to your blank project report (Google Doc)
- write up the sections of your project report
- look up the database (link below) and find three houses that inspire you
- download images of the houses and write a brief description of each house
- location
- type of house
- architectural style/ materials/ finish (see photo)
- construction type etc.
- key energy performance details (PHPP values)
Dermot Bannon successfully marrying traditional and contemporary style.