About the subject
Construction Studies is about the design and construction of domestic dwellings.
The broader design issues including urban and rural design as well as universal design (i.e. designing to meet the needs of all) are addressed.
In addition, the building fabric is examined in detail, including both masonry and timber frame construction technologies.
The course of study also examines the various technologies used to provide comfort including, for example, space heating, water heating and the supply of water and electricity to the home.
All of these topics are addressed in the context of the building regulations and international best practice.
Construction Studies is one of the oldest syllabuses in the current senior cycle curriculum. The syllabus was introduced in 1983; first examined in 1985 and remains unchanged since. Despite its vintage, it has proven to be a resilient program that demonstrates the considerable foresight of its authors.
Many issues that have become 'hot topics' in the construction industry today are included in the syllabus and this has ensured that the subject, as it is taught in classrooms, has remained fresh and relevant.
A good way to get a sense of what a student learns is to look through recent past exam papers. You will see that the topics assessed are up-to-date with (and often ahead of) typical industry practices.
There are three main elements to the subject:
As outline above, the theory is primarily about the design and construction of domestic dwellings. The project is broad and allows the student to engage in a variety of learning activities in a surprisingly broad range of areas from architectural heritage to craft practices and architectural modelling. The skills element relates to woodworking skills and builds on the knowledge and skills usually acquired in junior cycle Wood Technology.
A well prepared construction site.
“Construction Studies is a fantastic subject that every student will benefit from studying.”
About this website
The constructionstudies.ie / constructiontechnology.ie website is designed to complement the textbook Construction Technology: Designing Sustainable Homes.
Both the book and this website are written by Trevor Hickey. The website provides teaching and learning resources for use by teachers and students of Leaving Certificate Construction Studies.
Trevor can be contacted using the 'contact' link below.